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Feed Your Soul’s Fire. Sing Your Song of Awen. Rise From The Ashes, Again and Again.

Phoenix Awen Rising was born from my passion for helping others see their own unique gifts, beauty and strength so that we may all embrace our personal power, fulfill our potential, and experience joy. The myth of the Phoenix has resonated with me for as long as I can remember and has helped guide me when I have faced what sometimes seemed like insurmountable obstacles and challenges.

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Awen is the Welsh term for “divine inspiration”, the kind that energizes us, allows us to unleash our infinite imagination, and create beauty from pain. Awen is the powerful potion concocted by the goddess Cerridwen, in an effort to bring wisdom to her son. It is through the ingesting of Awen that Gwion, the young boy charged with stirring the cauldron, ultimately would transform into the powerfully wise and talented mythic bard known as Taliesin.

We all have the ability to fulfill our soul’s passion and rise above our challenges and perceived limitations. I believe that we each have our own unique song to sing, our own special form of “awen” to share with the world.

My own journey from shy, insecure, fragile child to confident, sovereign leader as well as my vast experience in helping others to succeed has uniquely equipped and inspired me to help others find the beauty within and by embrace and enact their own personal power.

Phoenix Awen Rising provides information, insights, and  services designed to help you to:

  • Unearth, embrace, and enact  your personal power
  • Get “unstuck”
  • Navigate challenging transitions
  • Build resilience
  • Connect more deeply with the divine
  • Inspire and be inspired
  • Fulfill your potential
  • Manifest your dreams and achieve greater happiness and success